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Importance of NAM
"Satyug Sat, Treta Jaggi, Dwapur Pooja Chaar, Teeno Yug, Teeno Dhrirhay, Kal Kawal Naam Adhaar".
A person’s face glows by the grace of NAM.
NAAM is the ticket to “Dargaah”. Whoever hears it in his ears would never go through the 8.4 million birth circle. Satguru Ram Singh ji said whoever has taken bhajan in his ears would not go through the 8.4 million birth circle. He will take birth again only in the form of human. Whoever has got it should not tell others (should not speak it aloud) but should silently recite it.
Naam Simran is the meditaion while repeatedly receiting the four letter gurmantar. The mala keeps count of the gurmantar spoken. It also aids in the meditation process.
Naam Simran does not merely mean reciting the 'four letters word' but it should be done pure heartedly without any vices. While doing Naam Simran you should always concentrate on Satguru Ji, other thoughts should not interrupt you during Naam Simran.
This four letters word should always be respected, while receiting you should utter all the words clearly by moving your lip. Actually, while reciting you are suppose to recite as loud that you can hear but no one else can.
This four letters word has got a very great history behind it. It is said that Guru Nanak Dev Ji (founder of Sikhism) meditated for 40 yug. He meditated for 9 yugs with each letter. After completing the four letters of 9 yug each (36 yug), he meditated the whole word for another 4 yugs. Therefore, Naam Simran is very pure and powerful. If you recite it pure heartedly without any suspection it will bring peace to your mind and soul. This can help you during whole your life whether it be happiness or sadness. These words are always there for you in order to remember Satguru Ji, he is the only one who can lead you in all walks of life.
Satguru Ji himself says, "Everyone should recite Naam Simran at least an hour a day, even the new born child. For the newly born children, their parents should do for them and once the child is grown up enough to understand everything then he should do the Naam Simran without any delay". Therefore, Naam Simran also comes under your Daily Routine.
Moreover, when a person dies - his age is not accounted as the age he spent on this earth but it is accounted as how much time he spent reciting Naam Simran i.e. every moment that a person recites is always accounted so you must recite Naam Simran as much as you can. There are no lost in reciting but always a profit, as to brighten your life in this birth as well as the next birth. But the main thing to remember is "never be proud" if you have recited Naam Simran four hours a day - you should never be proud in thinking that it is more than what Sri Satguru Ji has said. But do not forget that even four hours is very less. "Recite as much as you can, recite wherever you are - There is always an open door for you through Naam Simran". Open - door here has two meaings ;
- any one can recite at any moment AND
- your way to heaven will be smooth and clear.
Therefore spend as much time as you can for the Naam Simran and do not forget what Sri Satguru Ji has said, "everyone should recite Naam Simran at least one hour a day". So recite and make your life worthy.
Without the Guru, The mansion of the Lord's presence is not found, and Naam is not obtained.
Seek and find such a true Guru who shall lead you to the true Lord.
Destroy your evil passions, and you shall dwell in peace. Whatever pleases the Lord comes to pass.
As one knoes the true Guru, so is the peace obtained.
There is no doubt at all about this, but those who love Him are very rare.
O Nanak, The one light has two forms, through the Shabad, union is obtained.
Bin Gur Mehal N Paaeeai Naam N Paraapath Hoe ||
Aisaa Sathagur Lorr Lahu Jidhoo Paaeeai Sach Soe ||
Asur Sanghaarai Sukh Vasai Jo This Bhaavai S Hoe ||3||
Jaehaa Sathagur Kar Jaaniaa Thaeho Jaehaa Sukh Hoe ||
Eaehu Sehasaa Moolae Naahee Bhaao Laaeae Jan Koe ||
Naanak Eaek Joth Dhue Moorathee Sabadh Milaavaa Hoe ||
Sri Raag Guru Amar Das - M-III, page 30
The Mala:
CONCEPT OF NAM SIMRAN (The meditation on the name of God) AND ITS PRACTICE.
Right from the origin of the Namdhari movement till this date, the concept of nam and its practice has been an integral part of the Namdhari maryada. The tradition of nam-simran practised by the Sikh Gurus was revived by Namdhari Gurus, Balak Singh and Ram Singh in mid 19th century. The constant remembrance of God, the Sikh tradition of nirguna bhakti informs us that it liberates a man from his mundane attachments and transcends him to the spiritual plane. Guru Arjan Dev explains the attributes of simran and its fruit (PI) in his composition Sukhmani. In his composition Sidh-Ghost, Guru Nanak lays emphasis on simran and in the end of his Japuji he says that not only nam-simran liberates its mediator but also who accompanies him. According to bani, without simran a man degenerates himself and spreads poison!"
Realising the spiritual relevance of nam-simran, the Namdhari Gurus too evolved a practice of meditation on the name of God and made Sri Bhaini Sahib a tap-asthan (a centre of meditation). The Namdhari Rahitnama enjoins the Namdhari followers that "Rise during the last watch of the night and taking a pot of water (for cleansing) go into the fields to relieve your-self. When you return scour the pot twice, remove the clothes that you were wearing while in the fields. Clean your teeth. Bathe, and recite the prescribed portions of sacred scripture. If you do not already know these by heart you should learn them. Everyone should do this, including women both old and young. Commit both Japuji and Jap to memory, and also Shabad Hazare. You must also learn Rahiras and Arati Sohila by heart. All should lead a life of restraint and contentment. Offer praise to the Guru, the Lord of Truth, throughout the day and night"
The followers who come to Sri Bhaini Sahib and stay over (permanently or for the time being) join daily sessions for meditation. The meditation on the name of God and recitation of ASA-di- Var, Japuji and other compositions of the Adi Granth are regular features of Maryada at Sri Bhaini Sahib.
The rituals of the Varni and Jap-Prayog are associated with nam-simran and have been going on since 1937. Both these rituals are operating at the local level of rural and urban areas. Only Sodhi Singhs perform these rituals. Moreover, Satguru Partap Singh Ji also established a practice of holding religious discourses which reiterate the relevance of nam-simran.
Satguru Jagjit Singh exhorts his followers to meditate on the name of God by two ways. Firstly, for highlighting the relevance of nam-simran, he extensively quotes Sikh scriptures; principally the Adi-Granth and Dasam Granth. He begins his discourse with reminding his followers that since you are known as Namdhari, therefore you carry an obligation to meditate on the name of God whenever and wherever you are engaged. Further, Human life is precious but without nam it goes useless. If you wish to enjoy the fruit, it is right time to meditate on nam now.
Secondly Satguru Ji reiterates the relevance of nam-simran by quoting it with reference to the attainments of his predecessors and the Namdhari Sikhs. In the religious discourses, Namdhari Guru Ram Singh occupies a premier position. Satguru Jagjit Singh has made it obligatory for the Namdhari Sikhs to devote one hour for nam-simran and perform a path of Sri Adi-Granth or Sri Dasam Granth in a month in memory of 'Satguru Ram Singh Ji'
Namdhari followers practice nam-simran at their respective houses/homes or they attend weekly congregations which are held at the local dharamsalas. At the dharamsala, Asa-di-var, Kiran and Katha is also held for some hours. Similarly, on certain days and occasions, Varni and Jap-Prayogs are organized. A small or big attendance is in fact, reflection on the motivation of the Namdhari Sikhs. Many carry on their daily routine of nam-simran in the morning at their respective homes.
The Namdhari Sikhs also need to recite Banis as per the Sikh tradition. These banis comprise Asa-di- Var, Japuji Sahib, Shabad Hazare, Jap Sahib, Rehiras, Kirtan Sohila, Sukhmani Sahib and Chandi-di- Var. The Sikh tradition's emphasis is on the recitation of five banis.
Article by Dr Joginder Singh, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.